Puppies dizziness – about breeding successes, searching new homes & another’s plans.
The year 2019 is extremely fertile when it comes to the development of my breeding.
We have welcomed by as many as 8 new boxers and the first 2 french bulldogs who are the holders of the Paradise Spirit kennel name !
Breeding successes
Both litters are a great happening for me, because of this boxers mating, which I called from the letter “G”, I thought when my dear Paradise gained breeding rights at ZKwP exhibitions.
On the other hand, frenchies are the first in my life, so it’s clear to understand – huge emotions!
As a curiosity, I will say that boxers from the mating NOISEMAKER Do Vale Do Lethes x PARADISE Yakuza-Gdy were supposed to be the first ones.
Life, of course, arranged everything differently.
That’s how it is in my life, that when I set a goal – I’ll reach him, but in very, very twisted way.
It’s a bit like seeing the land, when you a shipwreck in the middle of the sea and swimming to it, despite storms.
It will take blizzard us somewhere … along the way we’ll visit other islands – like Odysseus – to finally reach the destination.

However, leave storms of my personal life to the side and focus on dogs.
We reached the destination – that was a NOISEMAKER’s mating – with Peppa, just as Odysseus did, quite late. Peppa is already 6 years old now.
However, the winding roads leading to the destination, despite their time-consuming nature, enrich amazingly into a surprising treasures.
In addition to the knowledge we gained, we were enriched with the beautiful boxers of the “E” litter, born 2 years ago, from the mating with the wonderful dog – LIONEL de Bellaterra.
It didn’t to accidental mating, because his maternal grandfather is a very important dog for us – NICOS vd Burg Singidunum.
Female from this litter – EUPHORIA Paradise Spirit stayed with us in Paradise Spirit kennel team.
Below are photos of some of the miracles from the “E” litter from 2017!
ELANIA Paradise Spirit ELANIA Paradise Spirit EUPHORIA Paradise Spirit EROS Paradise Spirit EROS Paradise Spirit EVOLUTION Paradise Spirit ENERGIZER Paradise Spirit EDEN Paradise Spirit
In turn, the miracles from the “G” litter grows and charms more and more!
I am terribly susceptible to this charm … The more so that one child will stay with me! <3 You can admire them in galleries, which I regularly create on the Paradise Spirit website -> GALLERY OF LITTER “E”
On our youtube channel there are also short reports on the life of the kennel – you can follow the puppies life!
The First French Bulldogs from Paradise Spirit
The whole spectrum of emotions accompanied me during the undertaking which was the first litter of the French bulldog in my kennel.
Mating and rising of these dogs is governed by little bit different laws than is the case with “normal breeds”.
It can be harder.
At least at the beginning.
Nevertheless, I couldn’t wait for these puppies. I watch their rising carefully and pick up differences in it compared to boxers or breeds from group VI (FCI nomenclature), which I also know well.
My two frenchies roly-poly can be seen in their GALLERY, on the kennel website.
Of course, you’ll also watch them on the youtube channel!
How to talk with the breeder during the initial conversation about buying a puppy?
Some of the puppies can be reserve now.
Of course, I’m looking for THE BEST homes for them, aware People who knows why they want a boxer or french bulldog and why just from Paradise Spirit.
It isn’t a potatoes cultivation so that the conversation shouldn’t begin with
“What price?”
And unfortunately, such asks are coming and in addition from fictitious accounts on facebook … probably nothing freezes blood in my veins more than anything like that.
How could…?!

Of course – I understand that the question about the price of a puppy is probably one of the priorities for each of us. Everyone needs to know if the budget withstand it.
Therefore, there is no needs to write at the very beginning of conversation, a long story about yourself, because it may nothing comes of it.
Nevertheless, in order for me to talk to you about the price, I need to know some very important facts.
As I said, you don’t have to write essays about private life to start a conversation about buying a puppy.
But to arouse my trust (and my trust into you, if you want to get a puppy from me, is necessery), you should write a few words about yourself:
- where are you from,
- why an idea for a boxer / french bulldog,
- how did you get to me
- what are your plans for a puppy (an dog shows or just family dog)
- if you have any experience with dogs, it is worth mentioning
And this are absolutely – MUST HAVE – of information on a every firts conversation about buying a puppy.
Thanks this information, I can give you the price of a specified puppy.
And if you will be interested – I’ll be asking you on more information about you at my own. 😉
And the fact that I’m critical of stupid asks from fictitious accounts on facebook doesn’t mean that I avoid of this kind a communication. Contrary!
I write back to e-mails (paradisespirit.boxer@gmail.com), I receive calls (501-800-118), and I’m also happy to talk via Facebook – having the ability to trace your profile, I able to remember you better. And trust faster.
So I’m looking forward to THESE RIGHT PEOPLE for my puppies! People who have questions and doubts, people who are excited and needs information about my dogs.
This ones who want only to know the price – thank you already.
At the end, a souvenir photo of my bitches with me, from the beginning of June, a few days before the birth of boxers.