The third and last Paradise’s litter – a dream combination
This year’s boxer litter in Paradise Spirit kennel – litter “M” – has just recently go out to new homes. So it’s high time to write a few more words about it – because it was a litter unique in many ways – both for me and I hope for new owners and for boxer population at all in the future.
The last Paradise’s puppies
The time flies inexorably and unfortunately – who started late, finishes early – or at least it works for reproduction in dog kennel.
My beloved, the first breeding female, the mother of my kennel – PARADISE Yakuza-Gdy – in 2020 turned 7 years old. Until the breeding pension, i.e. “Veterans” she’s still less than 8 months (as of February 2021), but for a boxer, it’s already an advanced age. No gray hair, condition like a youngster, still cheerful puppy in spirit – yet, knowing the average time of life of boxers, I realized that this was definitely her last pregnancy.

That’s why I chose a stud dog for her long before Paradise was ready for mating. In fact, I had an idea for this specific mating in a bloodline that I appreciate for a long time. When I found a stud dog that met my expectations, I established Polish-Italian cooperation in this area. And as it turned out, the Italian side was equally fascinated by this particular mating between our two boxers – even the pandemic restrictions on the borders did not stop us.
Thank you Mario!
The bloodline mating and a gentle inbred on Dylan dei Centurioni

My fascination of the dei Centurioni bloodline began a long time ago, when I was still a teenage girl, who hung the pictures of my Paradise’s grandfather – Warrior dei Centurioni – over my bed, dreaming that one day I would have a descendant of this dog at home. I was absolutely in love. The father of the beautiful Warrior was Dylan dei Centurioni, and mother was Weiss dei Centurioni. Until now, I think these two boxers were just perfect.

I found a dog that was a descendant of Dylan, line-bred to that ancestor. Additionally, his ancestors were also Tasso dei Centurioni and Laerte Dei Centurioni.
This dog was ICARUS dei Centurioni.

So by mating my Paradise with Icarus, I already had a combination of ancestors that is breathtaking – There was Warrior dei Centurioni, Laerte and Taseo dei Centurioni, Kronos and Kabir dei Centurioni, Weiss and of course Dylan dei Centurioni – who sounds soft from both sides of the parental pair, in 4th, 5th, 6th generation back.
And yet, in addition to dogs from the dei Centurioni bloodline, this pedigree also includes such wonderful dogs as Koto de Guezman, Daniela D’Jandilla or Future vom German Dream.
A great piece of history.

Dream Puppies
For personal reasons, it wasn’t the perfect time for me to raise a litter. I had other plans for this year – my own pregnancy to be exact 😉 – but I planned everything very carefully so that I would succeed.
Now or never!
A caring a litter of puppies is a piece of hard work, but the darkest nightmare is always looking for responsible new homes.
People are very different. Unfortunately, I am not able to avoid calls from crazy ones who call with pretensions at the beginning that “after all, breeding is just a company / business” and they “want a puppy now!”.
In addition, they demand a guarantee that the dog will not never ill and that it should be x-rayed for everything, from top to bottom. It doesn’t matter that it is a tiny puppy, that it is still growing up – there must be a guarantee.
Well, now we can laugh about it, though to be honest it was way too much nerve for me back then. I predicted that there would be a lot of physical work that I faced in the second trimester of my own pregnancy, but I did not foresee a confrontation with madmen who just wanna flame war do, and even threatened me (!!!), just because I refused to sell them puppy.
Yeah yeah … you read well!
Imagine that you have puppies that you care a lot for, even though it costs you a lot, and in the end you are slandered and frightened by the freaks who thinks everything belongs to them…
…and thinks that for you, after all, only money matters …
Coming back to the point – it was worth the sacrifice, because the puppies came out really fantastic!
Perfect little ones

7 puppies were born, but unfortunately finally 6 were left.
How hard experiences is that loss … I know, other breeders who have experienced it also know and maybe a few of you who don’t assume that “it’s just a business, for sure they only cry for the lost $$$ after all “.
Despite the very hard moments, I had fun watching the puppies grow wonderfully and I really enjoyed it. Despite the fact that I had sleepless nights behind me, and theoretically I should relax as a woman in pregnant.
It was like motherhood for me. 🙂
All of them were distinguished by a great character and temperament – exemplary boxers – brave, curious and cheerful – without exceptions and this was probably what surprised me the most!
I could write a lot to you how great these puppies were, but I think the photos and videos will say it better than a thousand words.

More photos of litter “M” you can find on our website and more videos you can find on YouTube channel of Paradise Spirit kennel

Dream come true
The puppies spread all over the world, they all have a great owners – for some it is the first boxer in life, for others another one : Marvel lives with his older brother Genius, Machiavelli live in home kennel of his mother – “Yakuza Poland” and Magnificus live in kennel where live his father – “Boxer Casanese“.
And may they all live happily ever after.
I also hope some of them will be Show Stars in the future. 😉